Le te kthehemi pas ne kohe !
Ne kete set fotosh kam dashur te bej nje nderthurje dhe rikthim ne vitet 50s & 70s.
Menyra sesi i kam realizuar ngjason me figuren e Pin Up Girl-it e veshur komplet me xhins.
Me kete gje kam dashur te shpalos forcen e femres dhe rendesine e saj ne fushen e modes
dhe ne fushat e tjera te ndryshme.
Falenderoj vecanerisht Stiv Doken per kete set fotografik mjaft fantastik...
Let's back in time!
In this photoshoot I have wanted to do combination and a retrieval in the years 50' & 90'.
The way I realized these photos resemble with the figure of Pin Up Girl dressed all in denim.
With that I wanted to disclose the women's strength and her importance in field of fashion and
other fields.
I want to thank especially Stiv Doken for the realization of this special photoshooting..